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DO I SPONSOR MY WEDDING?....I need advise..

"I am saving for my Wedding" that was the statement I made to my Aunty and her friends when they asked me what I do with my salary and the outburst was unbelievable, my Aunty almost had my head, "save for your wedding?, what is the man doing?, if he cannot foot the bill of your wedding then he is not ready for marriage". 

I am freshly out of school, done serving my country and began working with a consulting firm. my pay is reasonable. I got engaged in my final year, Giwa is a hard working man and he has been trying to muscle up his resources so we can get married. He hasn't asked me for money but i can see that he is struggling with moving up on our wedding plans because of paucity of funds.

My Aunty is the voice of my family and i know that once she expresses her stand to my parents it will become gospel.

Correct me if am wrong here, my idea of a couple is their readiness to support one another and this begins from our wedding. it is this mentality that led me to believe that there is nothing wrong with saving for my wedding, please I need advise on this.

Am I wrong to think this way? should I wait until my Fiancee can bear the cost of the wedding? my thinking is that its my wedding so i need to sponsor a good portion of it after all, as the saying goes, "the wedding is the bride's affair" or isn't it?.

I am not growing any younger and I love my man so much I am ready to sacrifice what I have to support our wedding so we can be together finally but how do I convince my Aunty to give her support without her insisting that Giwa must as a matter of compulsion single highhandedly finance our wedding.....I really need advise..

1 comment:

  1. Go ahead and support your man. It is your life to live and not that of your aunty.


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