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Nollywood Actress Ify Arinze Loses entire family in one day

Nollywood Actress Ify Arinze Loses Mother & 3 Family Members To Food Poisoning Same Day

What can be termed as the saddest tale in the history of the Nigerian Film industry is the incidence of grave loss that basseted the young actress; Ify Arinze who  recently lost 4 family member to  a purported poisoning. She lamented on social media as she solicited for the prayers of fans and well meaning Nigerians;
“exactly one week today! I lost my mother, my brother’s wife, and his two kids, in one day and one place! They went to bed and didn’t wake up! They said they were poisoned! My mother only went for omugwo, she walked into my brother’s house with her two legs, alive and healthy and three weeks later, she was carried out as a corpse alongside the child she came to do omugwo for!

Now I have to bury 4 members of my family at once! Only God can heal my brother and I ,am not strong enough to even comfort him at this time, cause I can barely pick my own pieces! Please remember us in ur prayers! Cause words have failed us this time! We can’t ask why us, or why our family!
Farewell to my Mother, the womb that carried me! The one that nurtured me, Farewell to my sister in law,(Amara) Farewell to my niece (Chisimdi) and Farewell to my nephew who was barely 2 month old( Chimeremeze)… they said we can’t question God! But my heart is full with questions!!!”

Cannon Otto of Gulder Ultimate Search 2014 kidnapped

 Shocking News hitting waves is that Canon Otto; the Winner of Gulder Ultimate Search Viewer’s Choice Awards 2014 has been Kidnapped.

Statement from his friend; Mr. Raphael Koko a few hours ago revealed that Otto was Kidnapped in Port Harcourt, Rivers State over the weekend.
There is However not details yet on whether there has been any Ransom money demanded for the promising award winner…….

“Why Wives must upgrade their Sexuality…. “Log of A Wife”

By: Molley Obbu

I can’t say I have seen it all but I can very confidently say I have seen enough to qualify me to speak on this topic. I have seen relationships come and go, have been in love, crashed out of it and sometimes even thrown out of it. For most of the times as is the case with us women folks; “the men are to blame” well, yes. Forgive my use of the popular phrase: “Men are Dogs” but permit me to also add here that “Wives are Logs” and have been for ages. It just so happens that the victims who happen to be the men in this case are not ones to cry out for help.
Like I always say, there is an exception to every rule, so I won’t fail to chip in here that not every broken relationship or marriage is as a result of “a log of a wife” or “a Dog of a husband” but in the middle are a lot many relationships that have hit the rocks, are heading for it, or are destined to hit it soon if wives don’t wake up and smell the coffee.
Change as we all know is a constant and over the years there is hardly anything or aspects of our lives that have not either changed or evolved, name it; fashion has evolved, communication methods have evolved, means of transportation has evolved, construction technology have not been left out, even love has evolved; no one loves for the sake of love anymore neither do people marry just for good ole love and companionship sakes,  it has evolved to become a means for achieving one selfish gain or the other. Has courting evolved too? Oh yes,of course! Women now do the courting and in fact do the “marrying” cos a larger part of our men have missed it. The list goes on but that is talk for another day.
Still on The Mata!, Question; why the hell then do Wives still think that the way they give and receive Sex hasn’t or shouldn’t evolve? ..Well news flash! It has evolved and the earlier we wake up to this realization the earlier we can begin to accept the fact that:
  •  Sex has evolved and our husbands desire to be part of the evolution whether we like it or not
  • ·        Majority of us are too much of a prude to match this change hence we are left behind and the Husbands are screaming out for help.
  • ·         The younger females out there have caught the trend and are living it large.
  • ·         Our husbands will go where they can find it…. And you know where.
  • ·         These young females don’t care about the size of the ring on your hubby’s finger- if your Hubby wants it and they’ve got it, they will give it. Too bad if it breaks your home or heart. So wake up!

 Now, let’s  go back a little to the “Good ole sex as we knew it”; when the hubby wanted sex, he had to wait until he got home to Wifey, not only that, he also had to wait until it was  night, when you were both in bed after the day’s work and oh yes! After lights out.
Sometimes he even has to pray for you to be in the mood and often times would have to wait for days for an answer to that prayer.
Well, too bad Ladies!, this is no longer the case, the evolution age has brought with it many brands of Sex; “Phone sex”, “Sext”, “Video Sex”, “Odd Sex”, “Kinky Sex”, “Oral Sex”, “twosome”, “Threesome”, name it. Need I add that the sex positions were the first to evolve? And trust me your hubby knows it and wants it, am quite sure some of you wives have gotten the hints at one time or the other from hubby but have either ignored it or quarried it.   Recall those times when your Hubby tried to make out with you in the car at some quiet parking, the other time when he tried doing it with you in one strange position you thought was outrageously crazy and impossible and your response was; “you think I am those cheap girls out there?”,  the other day when he tried to make you give him a “B.J”? 

How about that one time he wanted it when you were all sweaty in the kitchen? Or while he was away on a trip and was insistent on talking dirty to you on the phone and you resisted it? Well, Sweetheart, sorry to break it to you but if this is you at one time or the other, and then take it from me; you are a “Log of a Wife” at the very verge of losing out. Your hubby has seen the light and if he is still looking to have it shine from you, then count yourself lucky Girl, get some extra batteries and shine that light like a Diamond!
While researching on this topic, I was amazed at stories by men who have at one time or the other been victims of “a Log of a Wife”. Catch these stories for instance: A loving hubby sensing that the fire in his love life and marriage had gone deem and was at the verge of extinguishing decided to take Wifey on a weekend getaway to attempts to get the fire rekindled, well, guess what? It turned out to be the very straw that broke the Carmel’s back cos right there on that trip he had to give in to looking for the “Light” from the many young females who were blazing fire cos even on this romantic weekend getaway Wifey insisted she would not have sex with her husband on a hotel bed…………..Hello!

Another says he spent a whole week trying to restore peace in his home just because he attempted to give his wife “Head”. She turned it on him insisting  that he obviously had some other girl he had been doing it and Serious “Gbege” broke out…
There is this other hubby whose wife reported him to their pastor for counseling and deliverance cos he wanted them to watch a sex video together to help her get her groove back…. Imagine what drove him to seek help for wifey in the first place.
What about the wife who has never and would never kiss her hubby on the mouth even after he had made it known over and over that kissing is what gets him going? We can go on and on with the bad experiences of Hubbies who are dying in silence some of whom I am sorry to say have given up on their wives and sought solace elsewhere …. You and I know what that means.
Wives as hard as this truth may sound, there is urgent need for an upgrade of our sex lives;  come to think of it, when our computer software is outdated, we upgrade. We buy the latest phone handsets to keep up with trends; we are quick to catch up on the latest fashion statements and trends. What then is stopping you from upgrading your Sex lives and habits or attitude to sex?. Come on! Forget what you knew or were told growing up, stop hiding behind religion or spirituality, if you do not know what and how, get books, its simple. Just the way you would buy a cook book to make a new recipe. Learn! Learn! and Learn!, keep up with your hubby. I understand that that as women our Libido can let us down sometimes so discover your aphrodisiac and let your hubby know it so he can help you get it to set you in the mood. Take Hormonal supplements as prescribed by your gynecologist. Stop making excuses like; “am too busy”, “After Three kids?”, “abeg, let him experiment on those girls, after all am the wife”, “he will come back to me after his escapades” …. News flash my dear! Less and less Hubbies are coming back these days.
If you are reading this article and by now you still haven’t caught on who this “Log of a wife” is, then hear this; a “Log of a wife” defines a wife who has chosen to remain stuck in the old ways and attitude towards sex so much so that it is beginning to affect her marriage, she is that wife who has refused to “Upgrade” her “sexuality” even when her Hubby has and is willing to help her catch on.

A “Log of a wife” won’t experiment with her hubby: won’t have Oral sex, she won’t kiss on the mouth, she will not try out new positions, and she will not talk sexy to turn on her Hubby even when he asks for it. She won’t wear sexy Lingerie even when her Hubby buys it, she won’t have sex anywhere else but on their bed, in their bedroom at night in the dark… boring!. She won’t initiate sex and hardly responds when her hubby does. She cannot show emotions or romance when the kids are present, she is COLD during sex; no sounds, no moves, no response just waiting for him to finish….na wa oh!…phew!  it makes you wonder how much a hubby can actually take.
Ironically, over 90% of wives fall in this category.  Well, Like I would always conclude, this may not be the only problem with your marriage as am sure you are thinking by now but wouldn’t it be great if “this one” on which majority of marital problems are rooted is taken care of?
As is the general phrase over the years;  “Men are Dogs” but what are Wives doing about it? shouldn’t you rather be his “Bitch” and keep him stringing and drooling over you for as long as you are together rather than have him bring home left overs cos you are the Wife?
Come to think of it, “Dogs” and “Logs” may rhyme they don’t row together. So WIFEYS. Start downloading  your upgrade Now!

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 by: Molley Obbu Is it just me or have several Pioneer Nollywood actors and actresses have just disappears from our screens. One secon...

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